Happy Friday!
This week, we have been busy designing and creating our moon buggies. The children have been working in teams to measure, mark, cut and join materials to make their chassis and axles. We've been very impressed with their work on this. We have also been writing our newspaper reports for the 1st moon landing and learning facts about our solar system.
Reading - A reminder to read daily please and keep a record of your reading in your reading journal. A minimum of 20 minutes is required for homework, though we would always be happy to see you reading more.
Maths - Once again, children in both classes have been moving up on their times table challenges. More and more of you are using TTRS by playing garage for 10 minutes and then moving onto further games to earn coins for your classes. Well done. Your hard work is paying off as we see the coins in our pots rising week on week. Keep this up. Scroll down to see the results of this week's battle of the bands.
Homework - This week's homework will be on subject-verb relationships within sentences. Please see the document attached for all the guidance you will need.
Have a great weekend. See you next week.
The Year 5 Team.