Welcome back Year 3.
You have worked so hard at home throughout the last 7 weeks: we know it hasn't always been easy but you have been doing an amazing job and we are so proud of you. We know that you are tired and confused; that some of you are finding concentrating at home very difficult; some of you might even feel like you can't do the work, that you don't understand it. These are perfectly normal feelings. Take your time - you have got this. The work we are setting you is based on things we have done before and things that you were able to do really successfully in class. All we need you to do is your best. You are all superstars. We believe in you - stay safe, be the best version of yourself and try to do the tasks to the best of your ability. Remember also to have fun and enjoy this time with your family. Take some time to enjoy the fresh air, ride your bike, do some baking, relax, try an exercise video or some calming yoga.
We are all well and busy, planning new activities for you as well as reading, playing with our children, gardening, baking and doing all manner of things to keep ourselves relaxed and occupied.
This week is Mental Health Awareness week and the theme is 'Kindness'. We have included some ideas that you could do to be kind at home this week. How many of them can you do? If you don't do anything else this week then be kind!
We are missing you so much but are really pleased to see all the great work that you are doing.
Take care, stay safe. Believe in yourselves - you are all stars.