Focus Activity – Creative
A coat of arms is a unique design painted onto a shield. Today we would like you to create your own coat of arms. You can use anything you like; leaves or other natural materials, junk modelling materials, paint, pens, crayons or anything you can get your hands on! We have attached a template you can use if you like.
Peg Activity - Writing
Use the information below or other sources you might have at home to find out three interesting facts about a castle.
Lolly Activity - Maths
Fill in the missing number bond to 20 on the crowns. Once you have done that you can add the correct number of gems you need to make it up to 20. Use your number lines and counting on knowledge to help you.
See how many different ways you can write the same number sentence. E.G. 17 + 3 = 20, 20 = 3 + 17, 20 - 3 =17
Focus Activity - Phonics
During the morning briefing the children will flick through the previously taught digraphs, trigraphs and tricky words. Have a go at using the 'does it look right' strategy to help you work out how to spell the words below. We have added your sound buttons to help you. Can you work out which are the matching pair? They will be the two pictures that have the same sound but it has to be spelt same.
Extra Activities
Choose two castles and describe what is the same and what is different. This can be done verbally or the children can write this if they want to.