This half term went fast!
You have been fantastic over these last 5 weeks, Year 5. You amazed us at The Pioneer Centre with your courage, teamwork, communication skills and perseverance. Have a great half term and come back ready for the final, fun-packed 7 weeks of Year 5!
You should read for at least 20 minutes everyday and record your activity in your Reading Journals. Please ensure both your Reading Journal and reading book are brought to school daily.
Maths Challenge
You should practise your allocated times tables on TTRock Stars for at least 30 minutes.
Congratulations to Mrs Tilley's class for winning the KS2 tournament for a second time!
Geography Homework - Biomes
Over the last few weeks children have learned about the 6 main biomes. Biomes are communities of interconnected plants and animals that live and work together to survive in a shared physical climate. We have researched the biomes of: Tundra, Temperate Forest, Desert, Savannah and Rain Forest in class.
For homework you need to research the remaining biome Taiga Forest. You can present your research in anyway you like: poster, fact file, model... Your research must state/show:
the features of a Taiga Forest
where in the world they are located
what the climate is like
what plants and animals live there
Below is an information sheet to get you started: