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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.

Habitat Hunters


This half term we began our Habitat Hunters theme with a visit from The Animal Man who introduced us to many different animals, including a lizard, a blue tongue skink, a barn owl, a tenrick, a royal python, a tarantula and a skunk. We took turns to touch them. He showed us how he looked after the animals and helped us to identify amphibians, birds and mammals. He also set us an interesting challenge. He told us about how hedgehogs are an endangered species and asked us to find a safe place where hedgehogs could live in our locality. 


We started our learning by finding out why hedgehogs have become endangered. We found out that there were issues with humans building homes and roads near to hedgehog habitats. We found out what you should and shouldn't do in order to care for hedgehogs in your gardens.


We have looked into a few locations in our locality and think that we may have found the perfect one for hedgehogs to thrive in so we have written back to The Animal Man to let him know.


We have written setting descriptions of a woodland habitat using descriptive words and detail to interest our readers. We have focused on using the books "Tidy" and "Owl Babies" to explore more about woodland animals. We have written our own retellings of the Owl Babies book.


Forest School

We investigated forest school as a possible location for hedgehog habitats but soon found many shortfalls with this location, namely lack of space and too much close contact with humans. We made hedgehog shelters and drew maps of forest school using a key as part of our investigating. 



In maths we have been using addition and subtraction on number lines and have been using money too.



 In science, we have found out about animal habitats and food chains. 



In P.E. we have been building our social skills by learning how to work together.



We used the laptops to research more about hedgehogs and to make posters about how to look after hedgehogs. We learnt how to alter font size, text style and text colour and insert photographs to make our posters visually appealing.



We have designed, made and evaluated woodland animals using clay and some natural resources from forest school.



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