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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.

Tuesday 19th January


Today we would like you to do 10 minutes of handwriting practice. First, follow the link to your handwriting warm up. Copy the stretches. Then watch the video and Miss Bevand will show you the joins that you need practice today. 

Handwriting Joins

Still image for this video


Today we are moving on to the story of Rama and Sita. This one of the stories behind the Hindu festival of Diwali.

There is no reading to listen to today. We would like you to have a look at the front cover of the new book. Have a good look at the picture and make notes about the following points:

  1. Which characters can you see? Who might they be? What do you think you know about the characters?
  2. What do you think the story is about? What might happen?
  3. Do you have questions about the story or its characters?


Today we are going to continue planning our retelling of The Chinese New Year Race story. Today we would like you to create a story map for part one. 

We have written a shortened story script below for you to follow.

There is also a video in the Video Resource Centre where Miss Rogers will explain exactly what we would like you to do.

Click on Children - Video Resource Centre - Scroll down to Year 2 and it's called Story mapping part 1.

Story mapping Part 1

Still image for this video


By the end of Year 2, you should be aiming to have an instant recall of your 2, 5 and 10 times table. This means being able to quickly answer the questions below without hesitation. To achieve this goal, we need to do lots of practising. 

Today we are going to practise our 2 times table through lots of games.

Below we have created a game for you to complete. The instructions for the game are on the activity sheet. 

To play the game you will need two dice. If you don't have dice at home, there is a dice template linked which you can use to create your own. 


Today we are continuing our work on learning to spell words that have the ‘l’ sound at the end which is spelled ‘le’. For today’s lesson, spend some time looking over the words that were introduced yesterday. Remember you could always do some rainbow writing to help you learn the spellings. Once you ready, choose one or both, of the activities to do below.


For the first sheet, unscramble the letters to spell a word that has ‘le’ at the end.


For the word search, find the words in the box.

Number Magic

Here is today’s Number Magic for you to complete. We have linked below a lovely warm up game for you to have a go at before you start your Number Magic task today (today's game will help you to practise using multiplication). Remember to complete just one of the challenges, you don’t need to do all three!


Today we would like you to listen to some music from Asia. This piece of music is Indian, and the lady is playing a sitar – a plucked string instrument.


In our lesson today, we are learning all about quavers and crotchet rests as well as recapping crotchets and minims. Watch the video to find out more!


Once you have watched the video, have a go at making your own rhythmic patterns using the new note values that we’ve learnt about.

Music Lesson

Still image for this video

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