We hope you had a day full of fun learning yesterday! Did you enjoy learning all about our new continent Africa? Please do let us know if you did any of your own research and found out some interesting facts!
Here is your quote of the today. It's an important one.
Have a wonderful day Year 2!
Today we would like you to do some work around the vocabulary used in ‘The Ugly Five’.
Bronze task: Read the adjectives in the table that have been taken from the story. Colour the positive words in yellow. Colour the negative words in blue.
Silver & Gold task: Choose adjectives from the text. Decide whether the adjectives are positive or negative words. Write them into the correct on the diagram.
Today we are going to be solving division calculations using bar models. In the video below, Miss Rogers will go through a few examples with you.
For today's maths task, we would like you to complete the number sentences using your bar models. Use the following steps and example to help you.
We would like you to have a listen to some African drumming music. This is a very different style of music to what we have listened to previously. It’s all about rhythms and building rhythmic patterns into layers. See what you think!
This week, we are building on what we have learnt about note values in music. Watch how Miss Bevand creates rhythmic patterns in this video. You need to create three 4-beat patterns using crotchets, minims and quavers.
Here is today’s Number Magic for you to complete. We have linked below the Times Tables Rock Stars website, have a go at practising your 2 times tables on here today before you start your Number Magic task. Remember to complete just one of the challenges, you don’t need to do all three!
Today we would like you to complete a spelling activity. The activity has some pictures and some jumbled up letters. Can you work out which ‘-el’ words the pictures are showing? Use the jumbled up letter to spell the words.
Make sure you listen to today's story: Toto The Ninja Cat - Part 2. You can find the video in the Video Resource Centre in the Year 2 section.