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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.

Week Eight

Welcome Back Year Three. 

We hope that you enjoyed half term, the weather was amazing and we hope that you were able to enjoy it. Hopefully there were lots of bike rides, pool adventures and maybe a few BBQs! Did any of you manage to see the Spacex rocket launch? Did you see it in the sky later on? It was amazing wasn't it!


We have all been enjoying the sunshine - Mrs Griffith and her girls celebrated an 11th Birthday, had a BBQ with S'mores and went camping (in the back garden). Miss Goss has been playing in the paddling pool with her son, growing strawberries and tomatoes  and playing with her dog! Mrs Griffin and Mrs Browning have both been enjoying their gardens. 


We know that some of you will be wondering when you can come back to school, all we can say is when it is safe to do so we will welcome you back. We are really missing you all, but we need you and your families to stay safe at the moment. So below you will find your homelearning for the week. Work on it to the best of your ability and maybe you can even share some of your achievements on Twitter, we really do love seeing what you have been doing - school related or not. @LyppardSchool @MrsGriffith10


We are so proud of you all. Look after each other, be kind and continue to be the stars that we know you can be.



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