Maths - Length
Today we will be learning how to subtract lengths. There is a video to watch in the Video Resource Centre called 'Maths subtracting length Wednesday'. Watch this and work through the examples before choosing which task to complete. There are teaching notes to accompany the video.
Today we need you to listen to the next section of Ice Palace - Section 6.
This is the Reading for pleasure and meaning section. You need to listen to the Video in the Video Resource Centre and pause the text each time you have a question about what you have heard - this might be connected to the events, the vocabulary, the motives of the character or just a wonder about what you have read.
You can choose to read the text yourself if you prefer, you will find it below.
Your task today is to continue to Text map and learn the diary example.
So use images and actions to help you with this - you could go back and watch the video from yesterday again to refresh your memory if you need to.
SPAG - a and an
Today we will be revising the rules for when to use 'a' and 'an' and there is an activity for you to complete. First watch the video in the Video Resource Centre called 'SPAG a and an Wednesday' working through the tasks as you go.
There is an activity for you to have a go at on Education City called 'Lance a Lot'.
Today we are going to start thinking about creating a background to put your portrait of Starjik onto. The background will need to use colour and a chosen technique to help show his personality.
Watch the video in the Video Resource Centre which will help you think about colour and mood.
Then complete the tasks.