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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.

Week Five

Hello Year 4! 

We hope that you have had a lovely week (despite the change of weather!)

Hopefully you all managed to as much home learning as you could last week. We really enjoyed seeing some of your wonderful chocolate bar creations - they looked delicious and we can't wait to maybe sample some when we are all back together again...? smiley

We have really enjoyed speaking to some of you over the last week on the phone but don't worry if you haven't been called yet, you will be very soon. 


We have all been busy doing lots of home-based things this week. Miss Bird has been painting and trying to beat her 5K running time, Mrs Bradshaw has been decorating and knitting and Mrs Brown has been busy making a bug house and a wormery. 


Miss Bird has also been busy experimenting on sweets! This is part of your first creative/writing task this week so see the 'Writing' folder for more information...

We have been loving seeing pictures of your hard work and fun moments on Twitter so please, keep them coming! @LyppardSchool @LyppardMissBird


Your work for this week has been uploaded below. We hope that it all makes sense. As we always say, remember to just try your best with the work we set you and try to enjoy it!


We know that this coming week would have been a big one for all of us and we are super sad that we can't all be at the Pioneer Centre together as we should. Despite this, we know that you would have all blown us away with your courage and that we would have been so proud of you. Instead, you are being brave in a different way by staying home, staying safe and staying positive and that fills us with even more pride. 

We miss you so much and can't wait to be reunited. 


Miss Bird, Mrs Bradshaw, Mrs Brown, Mrs Parry and Mrs Vickers  x

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