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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.

w/c 28.5.21

As we have been talking a lot recently about kindness and how to improve our mental well-being, we thought we would set you a homework task to help with that. Over the course of the next week, we would like you to take some time to do the following:

Be kind to yourself - this may be by having a lie in, doing something you enjoy, spending time with friends or family or eating something delcious!

Be kind to someone at home - offer to do a job round the house, ask them how their day has been and then listen to the answer, do something nice which you know will make them smile

Give a compliment everyday - try and say something nice to someone each day of the holiday. This could be to a friend, a member of your family or even to yourself!


We look forward to hearing all about your acts of kindness when you return. 



This week we have been exploring 'shun' words. Below you will find the rules, along with a list of useful 'shun' words. We will be testing your knowledge of 'shun' endings after half term. There is also a link to a game which you can play if you want to. 


The clue as to which 'shun ending to use is usually provided by the root word:
– root words ending in ‘t’ or ‘te’ end with -tion (invent, invention)
– root words ending in ‘ss’ or ‘mit’ end with -ssion (express, expression; permit,
– root words ending in ‘d’ or ‘se’ end with -sion (extend, extension; tense, tension)
– root words ending in ‘ic’ or ‘ics’ end with -cian (electric, electrician; politics, politican).
The exceptions are attend and intend, which both end with -tion (rather than -sion).


Word List



Spelling games


If you have separate spellings, then you will find a link below to some games which will hopefully help you learn your words this week. 

Spelling game for separate spellings


There is a battle set up on TTRS if you want to take part.

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