Focus Activity – Computing
Create a simple algorithm and explore the 2Go program on Purple Mash. You can have a go at one of the backgrounds already made but you can also create your own! Follow the instructions below to help.
Peg Activity – Writing
Draw your favourite part of a castle and tell us all about it. Remember to use adjectives to describe, check your writing for correct use of capital letters, full stops, finger spaces.....don't forget to use the 'does it look right?' strategy.
Lolly Activity - Maths
Have a go at matching the correct number, objects and words to each other. If you want to you can cut them out and play snap!
Focus Activity – Phonics
During the morning briefing the children will flick through the previously taught digraphs, trigraphs and tricky words.
Have a go at the /ear/ word search below. How many words can you find?
Extra Activities
Castles and Knights - Read the words and draw pictures to illustrate what they are.
During our Jigsaw lessons the children have been discussing their dreams and goals. Choose one of the games below to play with your family and discuss the goal or end outcome before starting the game. At the end of the game discuss if you reached your goal.