Charanga log in details
The children are very excited to be able to practise the tunes we have learnt in fife lessons, at home. Please see below the instructions for how to login to Charanga. Happy practising, Year 5!
Writing - This week we have been carrying on with our learning about descriptive language used in poetry. We have structured and begun to write our poems about all the happy things in the world that we could put into Pandora's box.
Maths - We have continued our learning about fractions, including equivalent fractions and converting between improper fractions and mixed numbers.
Theme - We have begun to learn about the city-states in ancient Greece and their locations.
KIRF - We have a new KIRF for this half term which is to identify multiples and factors including finding all factor pairs of a number and common factors of two numbers. Children need to be able to identify multiples, factors, factor pairs and common factors of numbers with instant recall. Please read the parent guide below to familiarise yourselves with these terms. Please support your children in learning these.
As always, Times Tables Rock Stars is an excellent resource for improving children's times tables knowledge; A quick recall of multiples for the times tables up to 12 x 12 is expected by this age.
It has been another close race this week between 5RJ and 5FT to see who will win the tournament. Scroll down to find our winners this week!
Please find attached the homework for this week too which will be converting between improper fractions and mixed numbers.
Reading - Please remember to read over the weekend. 20 minutes a day is the minimum requirement. What a lovely way to spend a rainy day, curled up with a book and a hot drink!
Well done 5FT on your victory. It was another fierce competition this week with both classes working hard to learn their times tables. The new battle will commence this evening.