Focus Activity - Writing
Have a look at the Powerpoint which tells you all about the 3 different layers of the ocean. Then have a go at writing an explanation about what you have learnt. You can use the Powerpoint to help and if you want to do some extra research to tell us more. Remember to use your capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
We have added some videos of the different layers for you to watch and here is a link to one on BBC Bitesize:
Peg Activity - Writing
Have a look at your writing about the different layers of the ocean. Can you work out which layer each of these animals and plants fit into? Cut and stick them or draw a picture to tell us where you think they should go.
Lolly Activity - Maths
Choose one of the sea creatures below to order in height or length. Using the terminology long/short, longer/shorter or tall/short.
Focus Activity - Phonics
During the morning briefing the children will have flicked through the previously taught digraphs, trigraphs and tricky words.
This week we are learning about the 'oi' sound. We will be introducing the children to the grapheme 'oy'. The children are taught that the 'oy' grapheme is used at the end of the word and the end of syllables.
For todays activity, we would like you to read the phoneme spotter and highlight the words with the oi sound in. Ask your child if they can spot a pattern with words that have the oi/oy grapheme in.
Focus Activity - Tricky Word
We are going to have a go at practising some of our tricky words. We are going to give you a word a day to practise. Today your tricky word is wild.
Choose one of the options, or anything you can find at home, and write the tricky word for today using that resource. See how many times you can write the word in a minute! Then choose 3 more resources and rewrite wild using;
We would usually have P.E. on a Monday so have a go at this Cosmic Kids Yoga session all about what is under the sea.