In Year 5 we brought our Greek theme (Ayopa) to a close by creating and presenting an enterprise event to showcase all of our amazing work. The lucky attendees (parents, guardians) had the chance to buy and reserve (using Euros) their child’s work. When they entered, they were pleasantly greeted by the children who gave them their money and the tour guides who began showing them around the event. As they approached Mr Mason’s classroom they travelled through Taverna Town and were in awe of the amazing painting and clay work on offer. Inside the classroom they were able to purchase some beautiful bread and kicking kebabs whilst also being able to take part in some interactive presentations on the Ancient Greek Olympics. Additionally, they had the chance to listen to some superb podcasts that gave a real insight into Greek times. Whilst in Miss Harris’ class, parents were amazed with the superb Scratch games, groovy Greek Vases and wonderful Greek myths. We are all incredibly proud of what the children have created as part of this theme and believe they should be too and cannot wait to see what they produce as we begin our next theme… ‘Out of this World.’