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Dear Year 2,


This week you need to learn to spell some homophones! We’ve already learnt quite a lot of homophones in school so hopefully you should already know some of these. Remember that homophones are words that sound the same, but are spelt differently and have different meanings. We have also included some near-homophones to the list. As you may have already worked out, these are words that sound similar and also have similar spellings. They are very pesky and ones to watch out for when you are writing!


Below are some activities for you to complete to help you learn your spellings. 


If you login to Bug Club and go to the Spelling and Grammar Bug, you will find a game called 'Homophones' which is another excellent one to help you practice. Here are some other links on the Spelling Frame website which will help you too.


At the very bottom of the page, you will find your weekly SPAG activity. This week, it is a recap of lots of the grammar rules that we have covered this year. Have your best go at it and you will find the answers underneath so that you can check your work once you've finished. 

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