There has been lots of talk on the news over the last few weeks about the positive influence that lockdown is having on the environment: with far fewer cars on the roads, carbon emissions are reducing; water quality has improved, creating a better quality of life for many marine creatures; flowers are blooming in much greater numbers and increased visibility is allowing residents to see views that have bene blocked by pollution for the last 30 years. And in this time of lockdown, many experts are talking of the positive benefits which nature can have on our health and mental well-being. Dr Matthew White, from the University of Exeter says even a brief nature fix - 10 minutes of wind brushing across our cheek, or the sun on our skin - can lower stress. Therefore, we thought it would be nice to incorporate nature into our home learning this week and do some writing inspired by the natural world. Choose one (or more) of the activities below, which can be done in your garden at home, or as part of your daily activity. We’ve had a go at making our own too!