Maths Homework - Roman Numerals
Earlier this week, children learnt about Roman numerals in their maths lesson. In Year 4, children need to be able to read Roman numerals to 100. We will go over this again soon in school as it is a challenging objective but thought it would be useful for children to have a little more practice at home too. There is a worksheet for children to work through and there is also a poster showing key Roman numerals up to 100 that they could use to help them.
Times Tables Rockstars
Now that we have settled into Year 4, it is really important that children start to practice their times tables reguarly. For those parents who weren't at our workshop, Year 4 children are required to take a statutory Multiplication Check. This is to encourage children to learn their times tables off by heart so that they have an instant recall of facts. There is more information about the check on the attached document.
This week on Times Tables Rockstars, we have set up a battle between the two Year 4 classes. Children earn their class points by playing. Let's see which class will win our first battle! The battle ends at 8am on Friday 14th October.