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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.

Week 7

Hi Year 6, 


We really hoped you enjoyed getting in touch with nature last week and that it inspired some fantastic writing. This week, we are continuing with the nature theme by asking you to think back to the work we did around animal adaptations in autumn term and use all of that excellent knowledge to create your own specially adapted creature – find out all about Miss Taylor’s Arctic antonemy in the writing section! Alongside that you can do some musical maths and remind yourselves all about co-ordinates with Mrs Groves and her amazing dancing dog! Remember, you can share pictures of anything you create this week with us by asking your parents to tweet us using @LyppardSchool. 


As always, don’t put too much pressure on yourselves with your home learning – do what you can, but balance out your work with something else that you love doing; we know many of you have been baking, gardening, playing on the computer, going on bike rides and enjoying all this extra family time, which is so important too. If you do have a spare minute, you could try out one of the activities suggested by our sports coaches – last Friday’s idea of making an obstacle course sounded like a lot of fun!


All of the year 6 adults have been missing you all and have really been enjoying hearing about the interesting things you have been getting up to since we have been apart. We have also been keeping ourselves very busy: Miss Taylor and Mrs Groves have been talking to your high schools and telling them how brilliant you are; Mrs Robinson has still been doing plenty of baking and lots of walking too (and we won’t mention the small bump she had when she went out in her car!); Mrs Taylor is now onto her 16th book, which she is fitting in amongst some gardening and decorating and Mrs Saul-Clayton has been helping her son with his home learning and is quickly becoming an expert in GCSE science, alongside trying out some new recipes in the kitchen.


Year 6, we hope you are still smiling and being your usual superb and sparkly selves and we are thinking of you every day,

Mrs Groves, Miss Taylor, Mrs Taylor, Mrs Robinson, Mrs Saul-Clayton and Mrs Brookes xxx

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