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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.

Friday 27th January 2023

In maths this week, we have continued our learning of the 2s, 10s and now the 5 times table. The children have really seemed to enjoyed last week’s home work of Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS), this is something that they can continue weekly but we thought it would be good to have another week of TTRS for homework.


Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS)


Your child’s TTRS login is in the front of their yellow reading journal. If you are still unable to log on, please see your child’s class teacher as all children should have been logged on to complete last week’s homework.


However, the difference in this week’s homework is that we have set up a tournament! Mrs Roebury and Mrs Brown’s class vs Miss Wallace’s class. The competition starts today (Friday 27th January) and will end of Thursday 2nd February.


Good luck and happy rockstarring!


Miss Wallace, Mrs Brown and Mrs Roebury


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