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Hello Year 2,


We have been very impressed with how many books you have read, keep up the good work! You have all been set a new Bug Club text this week.  Whilst you are reading, see if you can spot any examples of alliteration and onomatopoeia. Remember alliteration is when two words start with the same sound e.g. terribly tickly and onomatopoeia is when a word is a sound e.g bang, beep and splash!  Once you have read the book, completing the Bugs along the way, you have a follow up task to complete.


Bug Club books:


Yellow: Bug Boy: Slug Picnic

Green: Exploring Rock Pools

Orange: Colourful Creatures

Turquoise: Yun and the Ice Spirit

Purple: Yun and the Fire Demon

Gold: Animals to the Rescue

White: Birds of Prey 

Lime: Awesome Animal Adventures

For reading comprehension this week, you have a story to read about Ronald the Rhino.  Your creative and writing tasks are based on this story so be sure to read it carefully before you tackle these other pieces of work. 

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