Children who are returning to school will be reading all of their books in school with a Teacher or Teaching Assistant as we cannot send materials home. There will be no book bags or reading journals.
For those children who are not returning to school we will allocate 2 books on Bug club on Fridays for the following week.
Remember all the books previously allocated will still be available for the children to re-read and please continue to use any other books you have at home. Children will also enjoy finding words in books you read to them as well as the environment.
Continue to use the bumblebee tricky word mat for children to recognise and read on sight and begin spelling accurately too.
Oxford Reading tree have also released their scheme for you to use at home for free. This is in the national book band colours. You will need to create an account.
Day 1
Ahoy there Shipmates,
The Night Pirates have stolen a treasure chest with lots of gold coins! All the Night Pirates want to have some of the coins but they need to make sure that it is fair, explain how they can do this with your grownup.
Did you say they should share? That’s right, well done! When you share, everybody gets the same amount and then nobody can be sad.
Can you help the Night Pirates to share the coins in their adventures? You could use the pirate coins you made last week or just use some toys to help you.
1) On Monday, 5 Night Pirates went to Adventure Island. They found 10 gold coins. Can you share the coins so that all the pirates have the same? How many coins does each pirate have?
2) On Tuesday, 6 Night Pirates went Candy Island. They found 18 gold coins. Can you share the coins so that all the pirates have the same? How many gold coins does each pirate have?
3) On Wednesday, 8 Night Pirates went to Dragon Island. They found 16 diamonds. Can you share the diamonds so that all the pirates have the same? How many diamonds does each pirate have?
4) On Thursday, 10 Night Pirates Mermaid Island. They found 20 silver coins. Can you share the coins so that all the pirates have the same? How many coins does each pirate have?
5) On Friday, 4 Night Pirates went to Sleepy Island. They found 5 gold coins. Can you share the coins so that all the pirates have the same? How many coins does each pirate have? Remember it needs to be fair!
(Grownups – we’ve intentionally given an odd number so there will be a remainder. You could have a discussion explaining that sometimes there needs to be a remainder when sharing to keep it fair.)
Please also choose a phonics game from Education City or Espresso to play today.
Day 2
Ahoy there shipmates!
To be a pirate we must have a pirate name!
The swashbuckling pirates from Cbeebies have got a great game to help you choose your pirate name.
Write your name down, what is the first letter of your first name?
Look down the list to find your first letter and see what word is next to your letter.
This is the first part of your pirate name.
Write it down.
Remember because you are important, your name will always begin with a capital letter.
Can you remember when your birthday is?
If not, ask a grown up in your home.
Find the word next to the month of your birthday.
Write it down.
What is your favourite animal?
Have a look at all the animals on this list, have a go a reading the words, your grownups will help you.
Find the word next to your favourite animal.
Write it down.
Now put all three words together, in the order you wrote them down.
Ta dah! This is your pirate name – ahoy there shipmate!
Perhaps you could choose a pirate name for everyone in your family.
These are our names: Mr. Groves’ name is Shorty Edward Fingers, Mrs. Bradley’s name is Salty Jean Bottom, Mrs. Ford’s name is Captain Myrtle Fingers, Mrs. Fogwill’s name is Silly Bert Blackbeard, Miss Redfern’s name is Sassy Fletcher Pants and Mrs. Court-Jones’ name is Sharkbait Jack SlimeBucket!
We would love to see your pirate name, can you write it out in your best handwriting and ask your grownup to take a photograph and send it to us.
Good luck shipmates!
Please also choose a phonics game from Education City or Espresso to play today.
Day 3
Ahoy there shipmates!
Now you have your pirate name you are ready to board the pirate ship and go on an adventure.
Pirate ships have a wall on the ship of portraits or pictures of all the pirates that are on board the ship so the Captain knows how many shipmates are on board – like our class register. The captain will also know who is missing if one of the pirates fall overboard.
We would like you to make your own portrait of what you would look like as a pirate using natural floor findings from your garden or when you have a walk.
Don’t forget to ask your grownup to take a photograph and email it to us.
Good luck shipmates!
Please also choose a phonics game from Education City or Espresso to play today.
Additional activities
Please use Oak Academy for additional lessons and activities if you require more.