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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.

Week Four

Hello Year 4,

We hope that you have had a nice week and a relaxing weekend enjoying the lovely sunshine that we've been lucky enough to have!

Hopefully, you were able to do as much work as you could do last week and are ready for week four of Home Learning  smiley 

We absolutely LOVED seeing some of your Dream Jar creations, we were so impressed!


As always, remember to just try your best with the work we set you and don't worry if something is tricky; just show your usual perseverance and determination and we know that you'll do a good job.

We hope that you are accessing some of the many online physical challenges, Maths, English and Reading games that are available to keep yourself busy, but also making time to relax too. 


We have had lots of fun this week creating our own chocolate bars, which is your creative/writing task for this week. We have attached some photos of these below if you need some inspiration. Mrs Brown and Mrs Bradshaw actually baked theirs, so you could do that too if you have the ingredients! (Miss Bird didn't attempt this as she didn't want to burn her kitchen down).  


We hope you like them and can't wait to see yours. If your parents have Twitter, they can tweet pictures of your chocolate bars to us at @LyppardSchool or @LyppardMissBird - happy chocolate creating! 


Your work for this week has been uploaded below. We hope that it all makes sense. 

We are missing you more with each week and cannot wait to be reunited soon. Keep smiling, working hard and being the amazing individuals that you are!


Stay home and stay safe! All our best,  

Miss Bird, Mrs Bradshaw, Mrs Brown, Mrs Parry and Mrs Vickers  x

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