This half term our P.E. session will be on a Thursday and will be outdoors. Therefore children will need their outdoor P.E. kits. This should consist of black or green tracksuit bottoms, a white t-shirt, a black or green track suit top and trainers. Please ensure that your child has a long sleeve top for P.E. as the weather is now getting colder.
Children should read for at least 20 minutes every day and record their reading activity in their Reading Journal. Reading Journals and reading books should be brought into school every day.
Maths Challenge:
Children should practise their allocated times tables on TTRock Stars for at least 30 minutes.
Congratulations to Miss Campbell's class who won this weeks battle. Well done to all the children who took part in it, great team work Year 5!
Due in Wednesday 16th November 2022
This week we are continuing with our ‘Vile Victorians’ theme. Your homework is to create an invitation for Queen Victoria’s coronation. You will need to research her coronation and what happened.
You must include:
Remember the invite is coming from the Royal household and you will need to reflect this in your design. Below is an example of an invitation to the coronation of Elizabeth II.