We had great fun on our Times Table Rockstars day, dressing up as rockstars and completing times table games and activities. Your child should have now come home with a TTRS login, in the inside cover of their reading journal. We have practised logging on, set up our TT Rockstars and completed a garage session in school. We have now started learning the 2x table and will keep practising this at school as well as completing our weekly times table challenges. Please try to encourage your child to practise regularly at home as it makes a huge difference to their number confidence and recall of times table facts.
As part of our Times Table Rock Stars relaunch, we will be setting a weekly Times Table Rockstars homework. Children need to complete 10-minutes of Garage sessions each week. This could be in one go or across a couple of sessions. The times tables have been allocated so that your child will only be set 2x table questions until they are confident enough to move onto the 5x and 10 x tables.
Have fun!
To play in the 'garage', select single player, then click on 'garage' from the menu. See below.
We have also added some times table practise wheels if you want an extra challenge.