Timetable for the day
9am – Teams Meeting: Congrats and set up for the day
We only have one official live meeting today, but we will be available between 10.45 and 11.15am if you need any help with your independent maths task. All you need to do is comment in the Teams chat and we can call you up for a face-to-face meeting.
Other tasks - you can do these at any time across the day
Remember to pace yourself and do what you can. Please email in any work which you would like us to see – make sure you do this from your school email address or get your parents to do it.
Below is today's SPAG activity. Follow the link, it will take you to a synonym game.
*EDIT* It seems the SPAG link isn't working for all of you. You could try this link instead. When it offers you the choice, you can choose antonyms (opposites) or synoyms (the same).
This lesson follows on from our work on the area of parallelograms (base x perpendicular height). You may find it helpful to watch the video below first for a quick recap. For each of the activities, all the information you need is there, you will just have to do some thinking! We are available between 10.45 and 11.15 if you want any specific maths help. Let us know in the chat and we will video call you on Teams.
Below are your login details to access Real PE from home. The username and password is the same for all Year 6 children.
Once you are on the website, click KS2, this should take you to FUN skills. You need to click on the top left icon called one-leg. We have attached a picture below of this to help you if you are unsure.
Once you have clicked on this, you will be taken to a selection of coloured level videos. Work your way through the videos to black level. Make sure you are completing this exercise sensibly and safely, if there are resources in the video which you do not have at home, you can use an alternative e.g. a pillow for an un-even surface.
Number Magic
Here is your number magic for today. Remember to use the answers to self-mark and ask us if there is anything you are unsure on.
If you haven't already, it's time to get your environmental projects finished. We will be looking at all the ones we have had sent in and the ones which have been done in school and then hope to share some of the best ones with you next week, before submitting them to the competition.
We would like you to do some reading for pleasure today, as this is so important. You will find some guidance in the document below.