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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.



Today we are going to be looking at division. We will have a short lesson on this at 9am. Following the lesson, you need to complete the Maths task below. There is a video below to support you with this.

Division method.mp4

Still image for this video

Number Magic

You need to complete your relevant level for Number Magic. If you want to challenge yourself, try completing the next level instead.


Following on from yesterday’s lesson on features of an advert, today we would like you to create a plan for your planet’s advert.

We have attached a planning template (with examples) below to help you.

After you have filled this in, you might want to draw out a quick plan to help you visualise where your information will go.

Theme – Art

Today we would like you to practise your shading techniques in preparation for you drawing your own planet’s surface next week.

You need to begin by drawing a small circle and then practise your shading techniques inside them.

There are some useful links attached below.


For SPaG today, we would like you to complete the degrees of possibility activities that have been assigned to you on Bug Club.

We have assigned these tasks as they will support you with your upcoming writing task.


Last term we worked through our ‘Being Me’ puzzle piece. This term we have a new puzzle piece that we will be working through. Our new puzzle piece is ‘Celebrating Difference’. Today you are going to be considering you own culture and how we ensure we are respectful of cultures different to our own by celebrating them.

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