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We are now taking bookings for parent tours for our September 2025 intake. Please email for further information. Thank you.

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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.

Home Learning 13.7.21 - 16.7.21

Year 6, we are so sorry that we cannot be in school for this last full week and that we are not going to be able to do some of the things that we had planned. We know lots of you will be feeling all sorts of emotions right now, including disappointment, which is entirely understandable. However, we also know what resilient, strong, brave children you are and we will get through this together, just like we have got through all of the other challenges thrown at us this year.


We have tried to make your home learning as varied and enjoyable as possible, and just like before we are asking you to just do what you can. We will have a morning meeting each day at 9am and then there is the possibility of other meetings if we need them. In our live meetings we will explain the day’s activities, go through one activity in more detail and then play some games too. If you need help throughout the day, or just want to get in touch, we will be available on Teams chat.


We are currently looking at the arrangements we had made for the last three days and thinking about what we need to change. We are hoping to be able to still record the play, so keep practising those lines – we’ll keep you posted on if/when this is happening. The barbecue will also still be happening on Monday 19th and you will need to bring in your PE kits for that day too. We’ll give you more details as and when we have them.


If you need any help throughout the day you can email us on the addresses below. We will then either email you back, or maybe arrange an additional meeting on Microsoft Teams to help you out. This is also how you can share any work you have done with us and we will then email you back with any feedback we feel is necessary. We will be available at these addresses during the school day, so anything which you send out of these hours, we will respond to the following working day. Please ensure you either use your school email address to email us or get your parents to do it - we cannot respond to you on your personal email addresses.


Do your best, keep smiling and be kind to yourselves. We look forward to seeing you all at 9am.


Miss Taylor and Miss Harris

In the folders above you will find your activities, just as we did before. Below you will find your maths tasks for the whole week, plus an additional Wonderl@nd activity which you may want to do. Also, if you haven't finished your blurbs or front covers, you may choose to do those - if they are saved on the system at school, we can email them to you if you ask. 

Number Magic-

Here are your 4 days of  Number Magic.


Here is your Maths activity. Read the instructions carefully which are included in the PDF document below. This should take you through the next four days.

Just to help you with the maths, we have produced this additional guidance to try and make it clearer.

Bronze 2-

For the next four days, work your way through the holiday problem attached below.

Reading Comprehension

3 stars = gold, 2 stars = silver, 1 star = bronze

Wonderl@nd Trailers

Remember when we made trailers on Power Point about the Dunkirk evacuation?  Well, we thought you could put all of those skills to good use again! Have a go at making a trailer for our play, Wonderl@nd. Remember, a trailer shouldn't give away the whole plot, but should make audience members want to watch it.


Try to include the following:

- images (can you remember how to digitally manipulate these?)

- some text

- transitions between slides (try to get them to move on automatically!)

- sound effects or music


The best ones could be uploaded to the website to promote our play!

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