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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.

Week Twelve

Welcome to week 12. 

It has been great to talk to you all over the past few weeks and to hear about all the things that you have been getting up to. We plan to call again before the end of term, so if you missed our calls last time don't worry, we will call back again!


We are really glad that you are enjoying finding out about the Romans, this would have been our theme if we had been in school so will be the theme from now until the end of term. This week your aim is find out about the Roman Empire and when and why they chose to invade Britain. There are lots of exciting activities within the Creative, Written and Reading Tasks! Jump on in. 


We were very excited to receive our first emails of your work this week. Thank you to all of you who have sent us pictures of the work that you have been doing, we were most impressed by the standard and the level of hard work that you had clearly put into it. Keep it up. We cant wait to see what you are going to share this week. If you haven't shared yet please do, gather everything into message and then email it to the addresses found below.

Please only email us once a week and keep this email for the purpose of sharing work only, thank you! (for those children who were in Mrs. Steven’s Class)


You can also still share what you have been doing on Twitter @LyppardSchool @MrsGriffith10 as this allows you to share what you have been doing with the whole class and may inspire someone else to create something amazing. 


We miss you all so much! We know that it is becoming harder and harder to motivate yourself, but this is when you can really dig deep and use all those learning values, such as perseverance. You have got this. You are all amazing, keep working hard, make us proud!


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