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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.

Week Fourteen

Hi Year 5,


We hope you enjoyed the mythical creature activities that you were set last week and we loved seeing some of your creative depictions of them. This week, we are focusing on transition activities as you are getting ready to go into Year 6. Check out the pages below to find out what we want you to do this week.


As always, don’t worry if you are finding things tricky just try your best with the tasks we have given you and remember how proud of you we are. Make sure you also take the time to ensure you continue to do some of the things you enjoy.


Remember you can ask your parents to share your amazing work with us on Twitter by tagging @LyppardSchool or @MrMasonTeacher. Alternatively, you could share your work with Mr Mason and Miss Harris by emailing it to their home learning email addresses (see below).



We have all missed you so much throughout this period so wanted to all send you a little message from each of us.



I miss you so much! What a year we have had and who would have thought it would end in this manner? Despite all of these strange circumstances, you have all amazed me with your courage and perseverance. I hope that this, and your ability to greet adversities with a smile on your faces, continues as you head into Year 6. I know you are all ready for it and the fun and challenges that come with it. Have a great summer holidays, stay safe and see you in September.

Mr Mason J


I wish, I wish, I wish that we could have spent a little longer all together in Mr Mason’s class as we were a great team and were having fun learning lots of great things…I want you to know that I really enjoyed my time with you all and I am looking forward to seeing you after the summer hols when you will be in Year 6 – the top of the school!!  Have fun and keep safe.

Mrs Evans J x


I miss you all so much, we were the best class EVER! I hope you all have a lovely summer whatever you are doing and I look forward to seeing you all around school in the September. Stay safe.

Mrs McCluskey J


Although I wasn’t with you for as long as I would have liked, you were all super lovely and I was glad that I got to know each of you a bit better. I am also so excited to be following you into Year 6!! See you soon!

Miss Morris x



We miss you all so much! I wish we could have completed the year together as we were really into the swing of fantastic creative learning. I am so proud of each and every one of you, for all your continued perseverance and amazing efforts with the home learning in this unusual time away from school. You are all amazing and I cannot wait to teach some of you again in Year 6. Have the best summer and I will see all your lovely smiling faces in September.

Miss Harris J


I miss you all so much! You were such a lovely year group who worked really hard and we all had lots of fun together. I enjoyed getting to know each and everyone one of you and cannot wait to see you soon. Have a fab summer and good luck in Year 6. See you soon.

Mrs Phillips J x


Enjoy this week's activities, 


Team Year 5

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