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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.

Friday 15th March 2024

This week we have been looking at multiplication and division of the 5 and 10 times table. We looked at how we can use repeated subtraction to help us with divison. We wanted to give the children some more practise of their subtracting on number lines. There are three challenges to choose from but remember you also need to do your times table practise on TTRS.


You only need to do 10 minutes on TTRS, each week, but these only count from Friday afternoon - Wednesday morning as homework is due in on a Wednesday (even though we mark in and hand out new homework on Fridays). If you haven't be on during these times then it won't register on our TTRS and the points won't count towards the battles.


We hope you have a fantastic weekend, 

The Year 2 Team  

The website doesn't seem to allow us to add documents at the moment - if this doesn't work by this evening then please don't worry as we can roll over the maths sheets for another week. However, children still need to complete their TTRS 10 minutes. 


Thank you

The Website has now allowed us to upload the homework - Sunday 7am

- If you're able to do this homework, here are the three documents. If not, please don't worry. 


Thank you again,

The Year 2 Team

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