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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.



For PE today we would like you to login to the Real PE website (find the login details below) and click on the jumping and landing section. Once on there, work through the coloured levels again to build up your skills and then have a go at the jumping combinations activity. You can do this individually or with someone else at home. Make sure you have enough space to do this whether that is inside or outside. If you don’t have a ball for one of the levels, you could use something like a cushion.  


If you are unable to access the website you could go for a walk, or do some other form of exercise.


Today we are going to continue to learn about fractions. Today we will learn how to convert improper fractions to mixed numbers. Watch the link below and then complete the activity at your relevant level.


Reading for Pleasure: you need to read for 30 minutes to an adult (if possible). This could be anything that you want. It could be a newspaper article, report or one of your favourite books, it’s up to you.


This week we have a new set of spelling words. Today you need to identify the silent letters in the words.    

Number Magic

You need to complete your relevant level for Number Magic. If you want to challenge yourself, try completing the next level instead.

Class Novel Reading

Click the link below to listen to Mr Mason reading our class novel, George's Secret Key to the Universe.

Monday Novel.mp3

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