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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.

Friday 8th January

10 Minute Mindfulness Activity 


Our input this morning focused on creating a fact file for the planet that you researched yesterday.

You need to use the research that you collected yesterday to help you do this.

The fact file could be set out in anyway you like but should look to inform the reader in a clear manner.

Below you will find success criteria for your relevant level, a template and an example fact file.


Today we are going to be looking at perimeter and area. You will need to watch both of the videos (perimeter of rectilinear shapes and area of rectilinear shapes).

Then you need to complete the task below.

Number Magic

You need to complete your relevant level for Number Magic. If you want to challenge yourself, try completing the next level instead.


For reading this today, we would like you to read and the books for your relevant level. These books are not just for today but also our Bug Club session next week so ensure you read them carefully.


Gold – Washed Up

Silver – Future Transport in Space

Bronze – The Quigleys: Wild Life

Bronze 2 – All Hail King Julian: Everyone Loves King Julian


For SPaG today, we would like you to complete the possessive apostrophe activities that have been assigned to you on Bug Club.

We have assigned these tasks as they will support you with your upcoming writing task.

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