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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.

Thursday 12th November


Our  first lesson today would have been handwriting so use the link to help you practise your joins. You could print  off some lines to help you, or you could practise with other materials, such as chalk or pen - concentrate on forming each letter correctly. 


Our second lesson should have been PE.

So either complete a PE With Joe Wicks Challenge, there a lots of these on Youtube. He is live for Children In Need from 9.25 today 12.11.20 - link below.

Or log in to Cosmic Kids Yoga, link below. 

Get Energised! 




We were half way through reading the Bug Club Book - A Volcano Wakes Up. This is a tricky text for some - so you might want an adult to read it with you.


If you haven't already completed this book for homework then you need to log in to Bug Club, read the book and answer the questions. I can mark this work for you so do your  best.


If you have already read it - then think of five questions about Volcanoes that you really want to know - e.g. Why  does a volcano erupt? Where in the world do we find volcanoes? What is magma? etc. Then use books or the internet to help you to find out as much information as you can.


This is something we will be doing over the next few days in our reading slot - so you don't need to find everything today!


Today we need to think about estimating. Estimating is when you make a make a rough guess as to how much, how many, how big/small or how far/near something is. It is a very useful skill in maths because it helps us to check if an answer to a calculation is correct or not. 


To help us with our estimating we are going to think about 'near' numbers, using a number line helps with this. 

1. Draw a number line and put 20 at one end and 30 at the other. 

2. Now think about where on that line you  would place 22. 

3. Is it nearer to 20 or 30? Exactly, its closer to 20 so we would say that 22 is almost 20 or  near 20.

Think about your near numbers as being multiples of 10 if you are working with a 2 digit number and near a multiple of 100 if it is a 3 digit number. 

So 34 is near or  almost 30, where as 39 is nearer 40! 

and 578 is near 600 but 534 is closer to 500! 

Watch the video attached to this link, then complete the tasks below.



Maths task - choose one of the tasks that best suits your understanding


In Science this week we should have been sorting and classifying different rocks - because SHHH! Agent M has sent us some samples and he wants some information about them. 

Yesterday we should have been measuring and weighing rocks and then testing them to see for example, which ones were waterproof, which were crumbly or hard, which felt smooth or  rough etc.

We should also have been sorting them into groups for example smooth and rough, heavy and light etc. 

If you have some rocks at home, in your garden, you could have a go yourself and send me some pictures. 

If not, is there some thing else in you house you could group and sort - your teddies, cushions, books etc? Maybe I can guess how you have sorted them.


Watch the BBC bitesize videos to help you start thinking about rocks. 


Our spelling focus for this week is the sound /ai/ we have been focussing upon three new ways to spell this sound - 

ey, ei and eigh. 

Use the word list and find a way that best suits you to learn them, you might use pyramid words, rainbow letters or something else. 

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