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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.

Week Two

Hey Year One,

We hope you are all keeping happy and healthy. We can’t believe it’s only been a week and we are missing you already! We miss your stories and the energy you bring to the classroom. Hopefully, you have been playing lots and spending time with your family.

We have put on some more activities for you to enjoy in week 2.


Love from,

Miss Tinley, Mrs Grindrod and Ms James x

Learning Through Play - Continuous Provision Ideas.


We have allocated each child two bug club books for this week. Please read these online with your child and do the quiz questions.


Draw your favourite book character and describe them.

Now write a mini adventure story with your favourite book character in.


Play the grammar game above on Purple Mash to help practise using the correct punctuation in your sentences.


This week we would like you to to recap the 'ee' sound.

Day 1

Polly's phonics can be found on Espresso. Search for Polly's phonics and watch the 'ee' video.

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

This week for maths we would like you to recap what you know about tens and ones.
When you feel confident with understanding tens and ones, try the bronze, silver or gold challenge.




Daily Maths
Day 1
You can find this game on Purple Mash. It will help you practise your focus maths activity from last week - finding one more and one less. Play the first game - Up to 21. You can use a number line to help you. 

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

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