Today's reading session is a line by line video. We are reading a non-fiction book called 'Coral Reefs'. Go to the Video Resource Centre to find the video:
School website - children - video resource centre - Year 2 - Coral Reefs Line by Line Part 1
In the story ‘How the Birds Got Their Colours’, the author uses lots of different sentence openers to make the writing more exciting. If every sentence started with ‘The…’, the reader might find it a little dull. Here are some of the sentence openers that are used in ‘How the Birds Got Their Colours’. The sentence openers are underlined.
Until one day, a little bird flew around looking for food.
When the bird flew close to the tree, he landed on a big, sharp branch.
For days and days, the little bird was in so much pain.
Soon after this, his friends came to see if they could help.
Then suddenly, a parrot rushed forward towards the sick little bird.
Today we would like you to practice using some of these sentence openers. Have a go at one of the tasks below.
Today we are going to move onto block diagrams. A block diagram is used to clearly display results and information.
For your task today we would like you to read block diagrams and convert the data into tables.
We are going to continue exploring our new jigsaw piece 'Celebrating Differences'. Today we would like you to read through the story 'Billy, Bella and B' on the flipchart below and have a think about the questions Jigsaw Jo's asks. Once you have read this, Jigsaw Jo has a task for you.
Today we would like you to do some art! We are going to focus on a style of Australian art called ‘Aborginal Art’. Aborginal art is used by Aboriginal people to tell stories and usually has hidden meanings. Aboriginal art is very similar to Tinga Tinga art, however, Aboriginal art uses mainly spots to create a picture, oppose to any of the other shapes and patterns used in Tinga Tinga.
Read the slides and watch the video below to find out more about the Aboriginals and their style of art.
We would like you have a go at creating some of your own Aboriginal inspired art. Choose one of the templates below or create your own template of an Australian animal or setting. Here is some inspiration...
You should then decorate your animal using spots and a range of bright and dark colours.
It is up to you which art supplies you choose to create your masterpiece. Use whatever you have at home, whether that be paints, colouring pens or pencils. If you choose to use paint, a handy tip is to use a cotton bud to create your spots. Make sure you take a good look at the pictures of the Aboriginal art. Can you see how all of the dots are very close together? There is no background paper to be seen.
Enjoy getting creative! We can’t wait to see what you create!
Go to the video resource centre to watch Part 6 of 'Toto the Ninja Cat'. Enjoy!