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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.

Week Twelve

Battle of the Bands results are in…


The battle has been won by Miss Bevand’s Class.  Congratulations! What an impressive score.

A new battle has begun, you have until Sunday 5th July to compete.  It would be lovely if everyone took part and worked as a team.  Good luck everyone!

Hello Year 2, 


Mrs Tilley, Miss Bevand, Mrs Baldwin and Miss Davis are buzzing with excitement to be welcoming most of you back to school this week. We can’t wait to see you!  If you are not returning to school yet, then Mrs Tilley or Miss Bevand will phone you to see how you are getting on.  Mrs Carrier will not be returning to school just yet but is looking forward to hearing about how you are all getting on. 


The home learning has now changed slightly as you will be in school at least two days during the week.  You will now have three days’ worth of Maths activities and Number Magic to complete at home.  You will complete the other two days’ worth of work whilst in school with your teacher.  The activities are now named Day 1 – Day 3 and should be completed in that order.  There are five days of Number Magic but you only need to do the days that you are not at school e.g. if you are in school on Monday and Tuesday then you should only do Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Number Magic at home. If you are not returning to school yet then you should do all five days.

You will have one reading and one writing task to complete, a creative task, spellings to learn and some SPAG revision.  

We would love to see the work that you do at home so please email it to us:


so that we can give you some feedback. 

See you very soon!


Mrs Tilley, Miss Bevand, Mrs Baldwin and Miss Davis J J J J

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