Focus Activity - Maths
Use a ruler or tape measure to order the penguins from shortest to tallest. Record what you find.
Peg Activity - Writing
Fact finder!
Choose an Antarctic animal, one we have already talked about or one of your own. Find 5 facts about an Antarctic animal ready to write a fact file tomorrow.
Lolly Activity - Maths
Play the counting in 2s game 'Deep Discoveries' on Education City. Use a 100 square to help if you are finding it tricky.
Focus Activity - Phonics
During morning briefing the children will flick through previously taught sounds. Please play 'Mouse in the House' on Education City, then support your child to use the 'Does it look right?' strategy when spelling the images on the document below.
Focus Activity - SPaG Mat 3
Choose a Bronze, Silver or Gold challenge.
Focus Activity - PE Real Pe