Welcome to your reading tasks for Week 8.
This week each group has been allocated a text for you to read all the way through. You will then need to write the diary for one of the characters that you meet. You all have the same follow up task to accompany the text. Make sure you take your time and present your work beautifully.
Keep answering the Bug questions within the books - and if you have to type an answer - make sure you do it as fully as you can - we are marking these and have sent you a response and we have given you points based on your answers!
It is important that you keep reading - as much as you can. Share the books you have with your family, the library is offering access to e-books and there are some websites offering access to free books, if you have exhausted your own at home library.
You can borrow e-books from the library the link for this was on lasts weeks reading task page.
We have allocated you a second text - so that you have another book to read - there is no school task to accompany it - just read it for pleasure, enjoy the book and answer the Bug Club questions.
Enjoy reading. We all look forward to seeing how much you have improved when we get back to school.