We hope you enjoyed creating your own version of a Terracotta Soldier last week. This week, we are continuing to look at the country of China and have set you both writing and creative tasks based on this. Read on to find out what you will be writing about this week.
Writing Task 1
For your first writing task, we would like to write a character description about a Terracotta warrior, you could base it on the one you created last week. In the document below, you will find success criteria and an example that will help you with this task.
Writing Task 2
For your second writing task, we would like to write a short story that uses the character you wrote a description of in Task 1. In the document below, you will find success criteria and the beginning of a story that you may use to support your own.
Creative Activity
As we are continuing our work on China, we would like you to create your own Chinese lettering. We have attached a document with some examples and links of how you could do this.