Good News - The one way system is up and running again. The bad news is that some of you are still trying to fight against the tide! Please, please, please follow the one way system. It is in place to keep everyone safe and to avoid collisions. Our staff are doing their best to ensure this takes place and I am disappointed to hear that they are receiving ‘abuse’ when reminding you to follow the system. I know that it is frustrating to have to complete a lap of the school when a faster exit route is seemingly available but we cannot expect the children to do as we ask in school when it is not modelled by their parents. If you have a problem with our one way system please make an appointment to discuss this with Mr Jackson as it is totally unacceptable to abuse our staff.
Please note that we have now positioned staff at the front gate so that any child arriving after the second bell has rung at 8:55am can be escorted into school safely. As we have stated previously, classroom doors are locked immediately after the second bell, therefore if you are needing to speak to a teacher it is imperative that you are at the classroom door between 8:45am and 8:55am. After this time the staff need to be with the children inside the building.
Again, we thank the majority for their co-operation .