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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.

Visit to Bewdley Museum

In the second week of term, we went back in time to the 1940s for our trip to Bewdley Museum. The children came in looking fabulous in their World War 2 costumes and the day began with an authentic evacuation experience as we travelled to Bewdley on the Severn Valley Railway. The excitement was palpable as we boarded, and we got many admiring comments for our costumes. We were met at the station by museum staff, including Julie, our billeting officer who explained all about evacuation before we made our way to our venue for the day. Whilst there, we learned all about life on the home front. This included looking at the items in an evacuee’s suitcase, hearing a real air raid siren and learning how clothes were washed. We also learned that in the 1940s, families were often only able to wash once a week! Later in the day, we went into an air raid shelter and experienced how uncomfortable it would have been to spend time in there during an air raid. The final activity of the day involved learning how to make rag rugs, using techniques which would have been used at the time. The children were amazing for the entire day and were real ambassadors for the school. 

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