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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.

Eco Schools Green Flag Award with Distinction 2024

The Eco Committee is very pleased and proud to announce that LGPS has been awarded our second Green Flag.  Here is the feedback our application received:


We are very pleased to tell you that you and your Eco-Committee at Lyppard Grange Primary School have been successful in meeting the requirements for the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award.


We reviewed your application and noted the following:

It is evident that young people in your school are aware of environmental issues and passionate about protecting our planet - your large Eco-Committee, totalling 12 members, clearly demonstrates this. We took great pleasure in reading the insightful comments on your Environmental Review, they provided a wonderful insight into the discussions that took place whilst your Eco-Committee completed it.


Your Action Plan contains a diverse range of activities aimed at creating positive behaviours, making an immediate difference to your local environment, and expanding your Eco-Schools’ initiatives into your local community. The three curriculum examples provided are great examples of environmental education, they are practical and fun with a real-life context that is very relevant to pupils in your school. Thank you so much for sharing examples of pupil’s work in your application, they really helped our team understand and appreciate the environmental learning occurring in your school. Your Eco-Committee have used an impressive variety of methods to promote sustainability and keep their school community informed about their Eco-Schools’ initiatives throughout the academic year. Your biggest challenge was encouraging staff to turn off lights and electrical equipment when not in use. You effectively addressed this by making it a class job, with energy monitors ensuring everything was turned off as the class left the room. Additionally, water monitors checked the toilets during breaks and lunchtime to prevent taps from being left running. The students took ownership of these roles, making the initiative a great success. Your innovative approach and the students' active participation are truly commendable!


We absolutely love the content of your Eco-Code, but we believe it could be even more eye-catching! We challenge your Eco-Committee to design a new version that they’ll be proud to prominently display throughout your school.


The thought-provoking questions submitted by your Eco-Committee for next year’s Environmental Review demonstrate intelligence and insight! We greatly appreciate their contribution and will certainly consider them when updating this resource for next year. Thank you!


Congratulations! Your application truly stood out, and we’re thrilled to award you an Eco-Schools’ Green Flag with Distinction! Keep up the fantastic work next year!

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