During this term we have explored a lot of information about the past and long, long ago! We started our theme by looking at what bonfire night is and why it is celebrated. We then discovered more about Guy Fawkes and the gunpowder plot. Later in the theme, we learnt about the Great Fire of London in 1666 - we even re-enacted these scenes through the use of drama.
In our DT, we researched fire engines from history and what they look like now. We explored and investigated free-moving and fixed axles as well as designing and making our own fire engines.
To end our theme, we had a visit from the History Lady. She showed us a map of what London would have looked like in 1666. We had a chance to dress up in clothing from the past and explore different items that they had in their homes. We finally used water pumps to practise how to put out a fire in the olden days.