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We are now taking bookings for parent tours for our September 2025 intake. Please email for further information. Thank you.

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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.

Building Work Update

It’s full steam ahead as the deadline approaches! Roofs have been started on both the hall and the lower section of the new block and the offices are now beginning to take shape at the front of the school. We apologise for the short-term closure of the one-way system and thank you for your co-operation and collaboration in ensuring everyone got onto and off the school site safely and swiftly. The reason for the closure is to allow the builders to improve the surface of the exit route from school. Whilst we appreciate that the school now looks like a building site on all four sides we wish to reassure you that once inside the building life goes on as usual with very little disruption to the children’s learning.

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