We enter a new and exciting phase of the building works over half term which again necessitates us making some changes to the regular routines of the school day. Please take the time to share these with the children over the half term break.
· To further ensure the safety of the children in the playground a second inner fence is being erected. This forms a wider barrier between the work site and the children’s play area but means our playground space again reduces in size. Our plans to use the field as additional play space have also been scuppered by the recent wet weather. In order for playtimes to continue to be a pleasurable experience for the children we have now sectioned them into four smaller groups so that there are never more than 90 children using the outdoor space at one time—EYFS, Y1/2, Y3/4 and Y5/6 will each now have separate playtimes in the morning, afternoon and during lunchtime. No break time is being lost, just moved!
· Work also begins on the school hall which means some of the EYFS outdoor classroom will be screened off and a temporary partition wall is being erected approximately 1 metre in from the current external hall wall. There will no longer be an external entrance into the hall. A new fire evacuation plan has been written to accommodate this change and we will inform you as soon as possible as to your access route into the hall.
· Due to these further restrictions on our outdoor space it is vital that everyone adhere to the one-way system. It is in place to avoid collisions and ensure the smoothest and most efficient beginning and end of day routines. Again we ask for your support in ensuring everyone follows this at all times.