These were the words uttered by our Year 2 children as they headed off to experience life as an evacuee earlier this week. All dressed perfectly to fit the part, adults and children alike, complete with gas mask boxes and labels, they headed back in time to the era of World War II.
Auntie Daisy greeted them in the scullery where she set them to task peeling vegetables, scrubbing clothes and ironing, before allowing them some time to play games. Life in the schoolroom with a very strict teacher, Mrs Croake, saw the children writing letters home, solving morse code messages, knitting, packing their evacuation suitcases, putting on their gas masks and using farthings, sixpences and halfpennies to buy different items.
The children learned a lot about life as an evacuee in World War II and thoroughly enjoyed the day, but some were heard to say, “I’m glad you’re my teacher and I go to school in 2016.”
May we take this opportunity to thank Hartlebury Museum for accommodating our theme and making it such an enjoyable, activity-packed, worthwhile day. More photos of the day can be found on pages 2 and 3 of the electronic newsletter.