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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.

World Book Day

The school was awash with characters from a multitude of story books last Thursday, as Lyppard Grange pupils and staff celebrated World Book Day. The day began with every child having the opportunity to showcase their costume, and meet and greet their fans in assembly, before returning to class to continue work on their page for our whole school book, based on the story, ‘Charlie Cook’s Favourite Book’ by Julia Donaldson. 

During the day a bell rang at intervals to signal everyone to ‘Stop for a story’ and older children visited younger children to read together. The atmosphere in school was both fun and friendly and very much focussed on the power of and pleasure gained from reading. Every class had their photo taken which teachers will showcase in classrooms but there are some photographic highlights from the day on pages 3 and 4 of the electronic newsletter to share with you. Beyond the day, children were invited to take part in a competition to create their own version of a setting from their favourite book. Miss Taylor says, “We have been blown away by the imagination and hard work that has gone into these. Thank you to everyone who took part.” Look out for some of the entries which will feature in next week’s newsletter.

Olivia L. (Y5) went one step further though, and so enthused was she by the creation of the class page for the book, that she went home and wrote her very own version featuring herself. We were delighted and privileged that she not only brought it in to show us but also read it aloud with confidence and pride. She is definitely an author and performer of the future.

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